Trader Assurance
1. The order willbe in 100,000-300,000 usd trade and Quality Assurance by China quality creditassurance organization or through excutive
2. The order will be covered in the event that the products do not matchthe details outlined in your contract.
3. The order will be shipped on time according to thedetials set in the contract , in the event of a delay , the buyer is eligiblefor a refund.
4. Trade assurance will cover all payments maedruing the ordering process up to
Quality Culture
1.Quality is our life, Quality is the first important principle!
2. Provide premium satisfactory Quality, fit for purpose and as described
3. Compliance with commitments , do what we said
4. Shouldering company Obligation and Resposibility.
5. Continuously improvement for customer satisfaction
1. Free Refund and Return if products quality defective, fault, un-correct goods ascontract.
2. Do not accept Refund , Return if it customer buy a wrong products, notquality problem or defective, not products fault.
3. Negotiation Refund, Return or change if : buy a wrong products still notshipped, Do not like it still not shipped but paid, other reasons